A lovely shoot with my long term collaborator Elisha Francis/Massiah ., a remarkable person who is a jeweller, model and stylist. Visit her web site www.elishafrancis.com. Bertha Carolina Tanaem modeled the wonderful collection of vintage dresses and jewellery that Elisha brought.
Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a workshop for dementia sufferers led by Bisakha Sarker with Amina Khayyam and Kali Chandrasegaram. Bisakha started by asking the participants to make shapes with their hands and name them – the first shape was called Please and others included Bloom, Windmill and Cut. With this focus, and with the help of live music, people gradually got to their feet quite unselfconsciously moved, and came together, all the time supported by the force field of grace, beauty and commitment that poured from Bisakha. And at the end Bisakha danced a short and exquisite solo. The workshop was enabled by artsfordementia.org.uk and Akademi
Just off to London for the Launch of Cultural Cooperation’s festival of talks, demonstrations and four days of open air free weekend concerts by world musicians. I have been around this organisation for years and they do fabulous work
The concerts have a unique flavour, very laid back, very fine music from all round the world – and totally free. Do come. I cant make this weekend’s gigs but expect to be around the following weekend
Check out the programme here: http://www.culturalco-operation.org/festival
Hi everybody welcome to my blog page. Heaven knows how I will use it as I am not one of nature’s bloggers. I would welcome your suggestions – at the moment I am thinking of featuring a picture or series of pictures say once a week with perhaps some explanatory text.